Use the form below to know your rating/grades for a licensure examination that you have taken.
Enter the required information in the appropriate fields to verify your identity:
Use the form below to search our records and confirm the identities of registered professionals.
DISCLAIMER: This verification service is intended solely for the facilitation of online queries and to provide immediate access for the convenience of interested individual and/or group. While the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does delay in the posting or updating of the information.
Profession * First Name * verified_user VERIFYUse the form below to search our records and confirm the identities of registered professionals.
DISCLAIMER: This verification service is intended solely for the facilitation of online queries and to provide immediate access for the convenience of interested individual and/or group. While the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does delay in the posting or updating of the information.
Profession * License No. * verified_user VERIFYTo verify the authenticity of this e-PIC, kindly scan the barcode by placing the same in view of the camera of your internet-abled computer or mobile device.
This verification service is intended solely for the facilitation of online queries and to provide immediate access for the convenience of interested individual and/or group. While the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does delay in the posting or updating of the information.
Camera to be used for barcode scanning
1. The camera should have a high enough resolution to capture clear images of barcodes.
2. The camera's default setting should not have autofocus turned on (as some cameras may automatically focus on and highlight specific areas of the barcode in blue) to avoid blurring or distortion of the barcode.
3. The camera should be able to capture clear images of barcodes.
Barcode when scanned by a camera
1. The barcode should be printed clearly and legibly. Poor printing quality, such as smudging or blurring, can make it difficult for the camera to read the barcode.
2. The barcode should be inside the rectangle canvas and positioned in a way that allows the camera to capture it in its entirety.
3. The barcode should be clear and free from any light reflections that may block information when scanned.
1. If you are using a mobile device that is in landscape mode by default, it is recommended to enable the auto-rotate function and refresh the page thereafter..
2. Devices that have a width below 590px are not recommended for scan verification, as the scanner may encounter difficulty in reading the barcode due to the small screen size.
3. It is recommended that the computer or mobile device used in barcode scanning should have a reliable internet connection for faster retrieval of data.
1. Hold the e-PIC with the barcode in front of the camera. Make sure that the barcode is clearly visible.
2. The camera will automatically scan the barcode and the information details of the e-PIC holder will be displayed on the screen.
3. If the camera does not automatically scan the barcode, try adjusting thedistance between the camera and the barcode or moving the item to a betterlit area.