SHE-CAN is a five-year program that consists of scholar recruitment, college readiness, a U.S. college education, leadership training, and post-graduate support at home.
To join SHE-CAN, you must participate in an intensive in-country recruiting process and conduct a community service project. Once selected you are matched with a powerful mentor team and supported in winning a scholarship to a top U.S. college. While attending college, you will participate in leadership training and exclusive internship opportunities. After graduating, you will return home and join a growing cohort of female leaders who are dedicated to working together to pull up other women into leadership positions and make a positive impact in their communities.
Once accepted as a potential scholar, you will be enrolled in SHE-CAN’s test preparation classes for the English language exam (IELTS or TOEFL) and other college prep courses. While in classes, you execute a community service leadership project. When you perform well on the exams and complete a compelling community service project, you are officially accepted as a SHE-CAN scholar.
After being accepted, you will be matched with a team of 4-6 U.S. mentors who will help you apply for a U.S. college scholarship and emotionally prepare for life in the U.S. Your mentors will greet you at the airport, host you over school holidays, provide guidance, emotional support and access to professional networks.
In addition to earning your degree, you will also receive training and support to build your leadership skills.
You will work with your mentors to set short and long-term goals which are revisited every semester. As a first-year college student, you will attend our Leadership Summit in California, where all first-year scholars come together to learn important skills like self-advocacy, networking and project management.
SHE-CAN also supports you in finding summer internships that align with your career goals.
In your final year of the program, you will graduate from college and return home. SHE-CAN will assist you with the post-grad employment process through our established relationships with in-country employers who are eager to hire returning scholars like you!