In order to ensure that the City of Lowell is able to deliver the various organizational, operational, service and support commitments it makes, the City employs a diverse workforce and strives for an environment where employees can work productively, develop skills, and feel satisfied with their work.
"The City of Lowell assures that every individual shall have equal access to all City employment opportunities. The City is all-inclusive and no person shall be denied equal access because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, military service, or physical/mental disability."
While meeting these workforce requirements is primarily coordinated through the Human Relations department, there are numerous opportunities available for employment at the City of Lowell:
City Job Postings provides information about job opportunities currently available throughout the City of Lowell's various departments. All official City job postings will be found here, including full time, part time, and (non-Recreation) seasonal postings. Sign up for notifications about job opportunities!
School Job Postings provides information about job opportunities currently available throughout the City of Lowell's Public School Department.
City Board and Commission (advisory body) Opportunities provides information about opportunities available to participate and serve on one of the City's various Boards or Commissions (commonly referred to as advisory bodies).
UMass Lowell Student Employment provides information for students participating in the UMass Lowell Student Employment Program and Federal Work Study Program. Working in partnership with UMass Lowell, the City often provides students with placement opportunities which are listed in the UMass Lowell JobHawk System.
The UMass Lowell Career Services and Cooperative Education Center connects UMass Lowell students and alumni with employment postings, intern listings, and co-op opportunities.
Intern and Volunteer opportunities vary, and are usually coordinated by individual departments within the City.
Election and Census Poll Worker opportunities vary according to city, state, and federal election schedules. When opportunities are available, they are announced via the Election and Census department.
For additional employment opportunities, please make sure to visit the following sites:
The City of Lowell's Career Center, which works closely with the local business community to identify and meet their employment needs, and to provide job seekers a wide range of job search and training services for the greater Lowell area.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs jobs site, which includes resources for Veterans, their family members, and civilians to obtain career advice and find jobs.